nternationalization at the European netID Foundation: Following its success in Germany, the Foundation is now turning its attention towards Austria. To support this move, it is founding the Advisory Board Austria – a platform for all market participants in the Alpine republic to discuss current digital topics. The Advisory Board Austria complements the existing advisory boards for data protection, e-commerce, financial services, and publishing/marketing.
In an effort to consider as many market needs as possible, representatives of leading companies and interest groups have come together on the Advisory Board Austria. At launch, these are: Markus Bacher (Head of Digital & Distribution, ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 GmbH), Harald Gutschi (Vice President, Handelsverband – Austrian Retail Association), Michael Kargl (AZ Direct Österreich GmbH), Manuela Ratzenböck (Head of Digital Roadmap, Österreichische Post AG), Matthias Weinelt (Head of Sales Austria, United Internet Media Austria GmbH) and Matthias Zottl (Head of Online, IP Österreich GmbH).
Austria is the second market in which the European netID Foundation is establishing its single sign-on solution. More than two million user accounts are already netID-ready via account providers such as GMX.at. In addition to the members of the new advisory board, Rock Antenne Österreich is among the first partners to implement netID.
“We have lived the ‘European’ in our name since our founding – now we are reinforcing this value once again. As a European alternative to the large US corporations, we are looking forward to successfully establishing our netID products outside Germany. The Advisory Board Austria is the first step towards this and a clear signal for the industry: Together we can ensure user-friendly and sustainable data and consent management that is made in Europe,” says Jörn Strehlau, CEO of the European netID Foundation.
About the European netID Foundation
The European netID Foundation was established in March 2018 by Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, ProSiebenSat.1 and United Internet with its brands WEB.DE and GMX. With an independent market solution, the foundation supports Internet offerings from all industry sectors with the implementation of the new European data protection law and for this purpose has created the open login standard netID. The initiators of the foundation together reach around 50 million unique users every month and together have more than 38 million active accounts. The foundation is explicitly open to additional partners and initiatives. Further information is available at www.enid.eu.
Press contact at the European netID Foundation:
+49 89 46 133 46-21, presse@enid.eu